Friday, September 11, 2009

The worst part about blogging....

The worst part about blogging is playing catch up!! I have been so far behind that I haven't wanted to take on the task of going through the many, many pictures and deciding which ones to share and posting them and describing them... and, new things would happen and I would think, "oh! I really should blog about this!" and then I would remember how far behind I am and...well, I have just been overwhelmed by the thought of it all!!

So here's what I'm going to do. Two posts from each month until I get to September. I'll try my best to give a good highlight of each month and not feel guilty about not documenting EVERYTHING we have done over the past 3+ months!

So to's June!

We will begin with a trip to Lakeland.
Aaralyn is playing with Nolan and Caleb.

Elise showing off her sitting skills!

Aaralyn really liked playing with Toby...
even if there was a glass door between them

Granny and Elise

Grammie and Elise

This is a picture of Ashley and the girls. For those of you who don't know, Ashley lived with us this past year. She has become such a part of our family. She is such a sweet, loyal friend. We have been through a lot together over the past year and she is near and dear to my heart...not to mention the girls love her! We were spending some time with her before she moved to Atlanta to start a new chapter of her life. We could not be more proud and excited about who she is, who she is with (her fiancee, Mike, is awesome!!) and where she is headed!

Ashley remembers this, I'm sure. But Aaralyn is copying Ashley's smiley face right here.
It was a classic, cute moment!

The bedtime routine is one of my personal favorites. And more often than not, Donny gets to join in the festivities.
Daddy and Aaralyn

The tickling begins...

and the girls love it!!

Stay tuned...more to come!


Hope said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel about the catch up part. The more behind I get the less I want to blog.

At any rate, the pictures are SUPER cute. Love the one of the girls giggling in bed. :) Precious.

The Fishers said...

Hope, you are ahead of me in the blogging timeline...but not for long :)

And, thanks. They are pretty precious, aren't they?