Saturday, January 24, 2009

Oh, the joys!

Aaralyn has started this thing (again) where she likes to put her finger up her nose. (we already fought this battle one time...) Lately, I feel like I am always telling her "Not up your nose, Aaralyn." and she promptly takes her finger out.

Well, the other night, the girls and I were nearing the end of dinner and Elise was ready to go to bed. So i left Aaralyn to finish her supper while I went to put Elise down. When I returned, Aaralyn had her finger up her nose saying "Not in you nose, Not in your nose!" to which I replied, "That's right, Aaralyn. Get your finger out of your nose."
So I go switch the laundry out, when I get back, Aaralyn has her finger in her nose again and says, "not in your nose!" and I reply, "that's right. Not in your nose." She repeats this a couple of times and I am getting a little fed up. "Aaralyn, get your finger out of your nose right now! All done."
Then she says "It's stuck."

Uhh Ohhh...

I'm truly dreading what I will find as I hurry over to her chair.

Yep. I found it. A WHOLE cheerio stuck up her nose. Thankfully, it didn't take long to pull it out. I just laughed and laughed.
I think I feel like a real mom now!!

Sad part is...I don't think she learned her lesson. She didn't seem to notice.


Angela said...

Oh my word that is funny.
I once knew a boy who put things up his nose. He put foil up it and they had to go to the doctor to remove it.
Glad you were able to get that cheerio out though and hopefully she doesn't continue to do it.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, oh my gosh, that is hysterical!!!!!

Amanda said...

i once stuffed a bunch of grape skins up my nose and my dad clamped his hand over my mouth to force me to blow them out... so that's always a solution too... that is a super funny story!

bella chung said...

she's awesome

Anonymous said...

hahaha. My little sister came home from elementary school with a rock up her nose once!

Kristin Sheffield said...

that is hilarious!!! Angela told me about it and I just busted out laughing.