Sunday, September 21, 2008

Family Day at the Park

Friday, we went to Tom Brown Park and enjoyed the really great playground. We had been before on a Saturday, but there were so many kids there, it was hard to really let Aaralyn play. So going on a Friday morning was a great idea. We practically had the place to ourselves. It was great!
We, of course, started on the swings, Aaralyn's favorite!
She and Donny had fun making faces at each other.

Then on to the jungle gym area that is full of fun things, like the mirror, to play with.

We headed over the the slide, which she was excited about in theory, but once she got close, she wasn't so sure.

She made it down, but not too thrilled about it. On to something else... this climbing thing that Aaralyn kept calling a slide. I think she thought she was supposed to go down it...she liked hanging on it, but didn't quite understand that she was supposed to climb up.

So, here we are trying the next slide. This time her DaDa was on the receiving end. Things went MUCH better this time.

So the funniest part of this is my face. It was pretty difficult for me to get down to help Aaralyn get on the slide. I had no idea how funny I looked.

"Ok, Momma. I'm ready!"

"Here we go!!"

As Aaralyn says, "Yea! Yea!"

"ooossssi-ck" (aka music)

Peek-a-Boo, DaDa!

Then, we rounded out the day with a trip to the see-saw. Donny got on one end, and we got on the other.

Aaralyn calls it, "saw-soo, saw-soo." She LOVED it.

It was a great morning. I'm glad we were able to go.


Kelly Bell said...

How fun! I can't wait for Caroline to get bigger so we can take park trips together!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, she looks so big! And you look GREAT. We need some belly pictures. :)

Anonymous said...

wonderful pictures!!! and you look so cute pregnant! I know what you mean about the getting up and down thing, I had the same problem with Lane, I held him a lot more than I should have. But, my 3 yr old just didnt understand why mommy couldnt hold him very much. so, i would just let jonathan put him in my arms. :)