Monday, April 27, 2009

The love is evident

So, I saw Elise's head the other day, and noticed that there was something dark on the top.

I was confused until I remembered that we had taken Aaralyn to the bathroom recently.

You may remember that a while back, I mentioned that we were potty training Aaralyn. Part of the training is that we give her M&Ms for using the potty.

You got it yet?

Yep. That's right. A big, chocolaty, M&M kiss right on top of Elise's head.

Cute, huh?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

First Foods

This week marks a new chapter in the Fisher household. Elise started solid foods! Although it is neat that Elise is big enough to be eating more than milk, I know that this is the beginning of something that will ever end. You can't turn back from here! :) In case you are one of those that don't believe it happened unless it was captured on camera (I'm one of those) here is our documentation...

What's going on?

Daddy, are you sure I can do this?

Kisses of encouragement

Kisses from Sissy

Here it comes!!!

Whoa! What was that?!?

Mommy's so happy :)

Do I have to keep eating this?


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Potty Dance!

We started potty training this weekend and I came across this video from Huggies. At first I was a little disturbed, but Aaralyn seems to like it and whatever helps, I'm game for!

I thought you all might gets some enjoyment from it...

Also, there is an ecard you can send to Aaralyn, if you want to get in on the encouragement and fun!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Roll over, Roll over!!

Elise is now 5 months old and has become mobile!! (well, kinda!) She started rolling over last week, and although we missed videoing the first roll over, we did get the 4th! So here she is!

Note: Aaralyn is whining because she is DYING to get in the video. She's a little camera hog! :) And, please note what is happening to Elise while Aaralyn is saying good-bye! Very typical, very funny!