Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pictures of a Beautiful Baby

I took these pictures of Aaralyn in a dress my Mom had made for her. She took her wedding dress and made it into a baby dress. It is so special...and very beautiful!
Hope you enjoy!

I call these "In Daddy's hands"

My sleeping beauty!

Friday, May 18, 2007


So...we thought we would update everyone on the past 8 weeks of our lives. But don't worry. We won't bore you with ALL of our pictures we have taken of our little girl. We will just give you a brief sampling:

No better place to start than the beginning!

After 3 days of being home, we have to readmit Aaralyn to the hospital due to jaundice. Very sad.

But here's something funny. Believe it or not, this is chicken and dumplings. Gotta love hospital food!

Aaralyn and Mommy on Easter Sunday:

Aaralyn at 4 weeks in my favorite outfit:

Baby's First Bath (also at 4 weeks!):

Baby Dedication:

First Smiles (5 weeks old):

She loves playtime on her butterfly playset!

Daddy loves his little girl!

And finally Mother's Day. We went down to the beach. She wasn't too fond of the bright sun, but we had fun!!

Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for more!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Our First Video!

Aaralyn is 6 weeks old here. She is growing so fast I can hardly stand it! Enjoy!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hello to All!

Welcome to our blog! We wanted to have a place where we could share pictures and updates with our friends and family. We hope you will enjoy our posts. Please let us now your thoughts in the comment section - we would love to know who's been visiting!
Be sure and subscribe to our RSS feed. We hope to hear from you soon!